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MURDERED: Sara Keynejad

Two lives were taken for just $50 and the slight chance of looking at someone's face.

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Sara Keynejad was nineteen years old waiting for her husband Justin as he finished up his shift at a 7-Eleven. The couple were expecting their first child, a little boy they planned to call Tyler Matthews, the whole family were excited to meet the first of the new generation. Their day was all going well, the couple was ready to spend their last Valentine's Day before the baby came together.

Right before they were able to leave two men dressed in women's clothes walked into the shop. Their following actions were captured on the shop's security cameras. They both held guns, taking everything in the register, and forcing Justin to wipe down their prints. Once he was done they turned to leave, one of the pair callously lifting his gun, shooting once and killing Sara.

The two men were Kareem Brock and Anthony Williams, both having a history of violent crimes.

Brock previously served two years for 2 counts of attempted murder. He had shot a man three times in the back after the victim tried to flee from a robbery attempt. Police pulled the car Brock was reported to be driving over later in the day. The three men in the car all began firing at the officers.

Williams had a history of crime but it didn't have as much detail shared some of the convictions he had were battery with a deadly weapon, felon in possession of a firearm, burglary and discharging a firearm into a structure or vehicle.

Williams' girlfriend in 1996 had recognised the two men in local news outlets as her partner and his friend. She spoke to Williams for confirmation, gathering as much information about the shooting as possible. It's important to note that all that is known about before the crime and afterwards comes from Williams' perspective so it's highly likely to be twisted in some places.

During the conversation between Williams and his girlfriend, he claimed to be a part of the Donna Street Crips gang. He said that the original plan for the 14th was he and Brock were going to rob any drug dealers that they found while driving in a stolen car. Their plan changed when they couldn't find someone, at the last minute picking the 7-Eleven as their target.

This was when the pair held Justin at gunpoint, took everything from the register, and forced Justin to wipe the prints.

According to Williams', they never planned on hurting anyone, and Brock shot Sara because he believed she tried looking at his face. They left with only $50 that Williams' didn't want a part of.

Williams argued with Brock in the car about shooting Sara as they fled from the scene. The girlfriend told the police everything in 1996 but somehow Sara and Tyler's murders remained unsolved until July 23rd 2020 when both Williams and Brock were formally charged. They got first-degree murder for Sara's death and manslaughter of an unborn baby.


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